11 Things That Separate the Good Swimmer from the Great Swimmer

1. Great swimmers know their goals.

2. Great swimmers know there will be bad practices. They are willing to focus through the pain.

3. Great swimmers know it takes more than effort to have a good practice. It takes being uncomfortable.

4. Great swimmers know pain is inevitable, but they turn pain into something so minute that it does not affect them.

5. Great swimmers know there are going to be practices that do not make sense, but they trust their training.

6. Great swimmers put in additional time each day to ensure they’re at their best when it counts.

7. Great swimmers learn from their mistakes.

8. Great swimmers keep their emotions cool and stay focused on the big picture.

9. Great swimmers do not let others’ attitudes affect their own.

10. Great swimmers focus on what they CAN control.

11. Great swimmers do not wait. They take advantage of every opportunity and do not plan for “someday.”

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